Extraordinary relationships

Increase your understanding of yourself, your partner, and how you function together as a couple. Become the primary caretaker of yourself and the secondary caretaker of your partner. Grow your resilience as a couple through greater security in your relationship. Find safety with your partner as authentic versions of yourselves. Learn to face any challenge together and experience more joy!

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Intensives for Couples

If you seek to make a deep investment in your relationship, we will spend 10 – 12 hours with you over 2 days. This kind of focused time will allow you to rediscover intimacy, develop and practice communication skills, and work through conflict in a safe environment with two therapists actively supporting you in your process. We can help you make significant strides toward your goals, so that you leave stronger as a couple.

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Workshops for Couples

Our 2-day workshops offer an opportunity to deepen and strengthen your relationship with a focus on a particular aspect of the couple dynamic. You will gain a better understanding of your partner and yourself and the patterns that may create misunderstanding or conflict and how to shift them and develop practical skills that you can use to further strengthen your partnership going forward. Appropriate whether you are just starting out on your couple journey or have many years together.

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Couples Retreats

Residential retreats offer an immersive experience that combines learning, connection, and practice, plus time to relax and be together while enjoying a special location. Appropriate for any couple who wants to create space to focus on their relationship.

Eleanor and Ben

Eleanor and Ben

Together, we have deep expertise in system dynamics at multiple levels: individuals, couples, families, organizations, and how these levels interact. We are creative and adaptive while holding our intention for you to experience breakthrough in your relationship.

Contact Me.You.We.

Ask a question or get in touch below.

(234) 301-3513